如果已經用E-tax上傳報稅資料後發現有錯誤,就沒辦法在透過軟體更改了。必須要寫信及提供證明文件到ATO去。信箱為:Australian Taxation Office, GPO Box 5056, Sydney NSW 2001
If you realise that you did not include something on your tax return that you should have, or there is some other mistake on your tax teturn, you need to correct it as soon as possible by requesting an amendment.

To request an amendmnt, write a letter to us, in the letter provide:

•    姓名、地址、電話、稅號
Your name, address, phone numbe and tax file number

•    要更改的報稅年份
The year shown on the tax return you want to amend- for example, 2008

•    更改的項目、描述
The tax return item number and description affected by the change

•    金額
The amount of income or eductions to be added or thken away, if relevant

•    影響的項目
The amount of tax offsets to be incoresed or decreased, inf relevant

•    更改的編號
The claim type code -if one applies to the item you are changing

•    解釋錯誤的原因或改變的理由
An explanation of why you made the mistake or the reason for the change

•    宣示,像是:A declaration as follows
I declare that all the information I have given in this letter, including any attachments, is true and correct.

•    簽名及寫上日期
The dare and your signature


資料來源:Tax Pack 2008. P113。


2008/9/26 Update: 2008/8/7把申請文件寄出後,隔七週左右收到回覆及退稅(六到八週都算正常)。這次是為了更正2007年多繳的Medicare Levy及少領的Zone Allowance...澳洲政府還真是好講話。二話不說,連利息都一起退給我,有夠阿沙力的!

2009/7/29 Update: 附上我當初更改信的內容。有需要的人可以照著修改一下。


Tax Return Amendment Request


Australian Taxation Office,

GPO Box 5056,

Sydney NSW 2001




To Whom It May Concern:


I am writing to request an amendment for my tax return 2007.


Name: XXX

Address: XXXXX

Phone Number: XXXX XXX XXX

Tax File Number: XXX XXX XXX

The year of tax return I want to amend: 2007

The tax return Item number and affected by the change:

  1. M1 Medicare Levy Reduction or Exemption  reduce $298.65

Reason for change: I was charged Medicare Levy for 2007, however, as a temporary resident, I am not covered by Medicare. Please see attached  Medicare Levy exemption certificate for 01 July 2006 to 30 June 2007.


  1. T9 Zone offset increase $338.00 (Zone A)

Reason for change: Please find the group certificate for the year ended 30 June 2007 as a prove that I had worked and lived in Darwin for more than 183 days between 01 July 2006 to 30 June 2007,therefore, entitled to claim a zone offset for that period.


I declare that all the information I have given in this letter, including any attachments, is true and correct.








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